You Can’t Fix Stupid!

It’s a proven, scientific fact that most human suffering is caused by ignorance. Ignorance is all around us. It multiplies and feeds on itself like a forest fire feeds on dead brush. Ignorant people make bad choices and bad choices put entire populations at risk. The ignorant believe the stupid are smart because the stupid say things the ignorant understand and therefore want to hear. True intelligence is fearful and beyond the realm of the ignorant person’s understanding. The ignorant put the stupid in charge of things which eventually lead to pain and suffering while the ignorant unsuccessfully try to fix stupid.
Stupid leaders make stupid choices then try to pin their stupidity on others. Stupid people other stupid people in charge in an attempt to fix dumb problems made by stupid choices. As a last resort, stupid leaders always war because the stupid feel their stupid mistakes are always someone else’s fault.
Despots are stupid but crafty. Through craft, the media, and military strength the stupid can, for a time, control the ignorant masses. However, despotic rule eventually ends leaving anarchy to fill its vacuum.
In modern times, we’ve seen multiple tides of ignorance led by stupidity morph into anarchy as the ignorant try to fill leadership vacuums with more stupid people. Leaders fall and leaders rise but the stupid remain forever. Stupidity breeds ignorance which brings forth more stupidity and ignorance. Anarchists bring destruction, poverty and disease because their only concern is power. Ignorant masses which they help build will eventually destroy them. History repeats itself again and again because we are too ignorant to fix stupid.
Today we see this story being playing out before us in Syria, in Iraq, in Afghanistan and in what seems to be constant revolution in African nations. Hunger and poverty and ignorance leave a populace unable to feed itself, let alone educate its next generations.
One would think the world’s educated would treat ignorance as a disease and eradicate it at all costs, knowing the destruction ignorance is capable of causing. However, there’s a difference between ignorance and stupidity. Ignorance can be fixed through education, but there is no cure for the stupid people even the educated put in charge.