We Are What We Eat–or Ate

I wonder about my fellow humans sometime. I’m amazed at some of the things they do. Take today, for instance. It can’t be much above zero outside and the wind is driving it way below that. Yet, there was a line almost outside at McAlister’s Deli.

I arrived about 12:45, well into lunch time, thinking that I’d get right in, get my choose two (Savanna chopped salad with ranch dressing and a chicken basal toasty) a large sweet tea (mine is half and half because their sweet tea is super sweet) .

The parking lot was full and this is a BIG parking lot. Yes, I realize it’s Friday, but come on people, doesn’t anyone work anymore on Friday?

Anyway, I did find a parking place that was actually kind of close. Of course, I had to outrun some old guy in a big Caddy to get it. The wind outside was fierce and I muttered something about moving to Alaska as I made my way to the door.

The line was half-way to the order counter and because there were a couple of women with small kids in front of me, it took longer than it would have with just single people. Kids are indecisive. Looking around, I could see the reason why the place was crowded. Old farts like me filled the place. No wonder I’d wondered if anyone worked on Friday. Old farts don’t ever work unless they do it accidentally. I know already that I’m going to get some hate-mail for that, but hate-mail is better than no mail, I always say.

Back to lunch: The reason so many people go to McAlister’s Deli is simple but also complex. The food is kind of expensive, if you compare it to Mickey Dees. The difference is that a couple of hours after eating at McAlister’s, you don’t have acid reflux. No grease. No artery clogging gunk that will make your heart doctor love you. After all, heart doctors don’t give a shit if you eat artery clogging gunk. They have to afford their fau-mansions and private schools for their kids. They hate healthy people like me, actually, and so does the pharmaceutical industry. But I digress.

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